

Sunday, 30 September 2018

Desire and apply wisdom

By Pastor Oloruntimilehin Joshua Daramola
WISDOM is the most desirable thing for a per-son who wants to make it in life. If a person is not wise, all the things in this world would run away from him or her.
Wisdom is applied in several ways. A wise wo-man stays long in her matrimonial home while the unwise one is sent packing from her home.
•Pastor Daramola
Similarly an unwise man does not experience long life while a wise person would know how to hand-le his or her family with-out rancour.
Seek for wisdom in every-thing one does because James 1:5–6 says: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giv-es to all liberally and with-out reproach and it will be given to you. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts are like a wave of the sea driven and toss-ed by the wind”.

A would-be business per-son needs to think about the kind of business he or she wants to embark on. What are the risks involved in the or busi-ness? What are the nece-ssary things to do in de-pression situation? All these require wisdom by the person to handle the situation that might confront the business.
But what is in the mind of the prospective business person is to get money and invest without cons-ideration for all mention-ed above.
Even if a wise business person that keeps his or her proceeds in manner that gives room for peo-ple to steal the proceeds that person is not wise. It’s imperative for people to apply wisdom in any situation they find them-selves.
Jesus Christ applied wisdom when the Pharis-ees asked him if it is law-ful to pay taxes to Cae-sar. He asked them to give him a coin (Denari-us). They brought it to him and asked whose image is on the coin. They told him Caesar. Then Jesus said in Mark 12:17 “…And Jesus answered and said to them render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s and they marveled at him”.
Some people see and get money but they spend it lavishly without reserve. A person that spends money lavishly is spend-ing his or her life waste-fully. Those that spend lavishly are those that have plenty money and reserve. Some people wh-enever they get money, they spend the money for women who are not their wives. These people should know that these women are obstacles to the men’s success.
These women would de-sert the men after finish-ing the money and the men become poor. There are some men I warned to stop having affair with women other than their wives but they failed to heed my warning. Now they are facing the cons-equences.
Imagine a man had about N3 million to embark on a business venture. He started to put the requir-ed things in place for the
take–off. But the purp-orted wife advised and influenced him to spon-sor her birthday and he obliged her. Now the mo-ney is finished, the busi-ness could not take off.
 *For further enquiries contact The Omnipotence Mission of God, 2 Olo-runtimilehin St, Pipeline, Mosan off Ipaja road, Lagos or call 08023020108; 08058110288; 08023020108, 08058110288.


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